Time Management Technique

Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Amir Shahzad
2 min readAug 27, 2021


Time! The most precious thing on earth. It’s bad that he flies, but it’s good that you are a pilot. Every person striving for a fulfilling life knows the value of time. They know they decide whether to launch or launch them. The problem is how to manage time. It is not an easy edible sweetness, but it provides productivity 24 hours a day. FrogEat the frog is a good remedy for those who constantly complain about the lack of time. This refers to doing the most unpleasant and unpleasant work before or early in the morning. Things to do. Make a schedule! I remember when I was a child I did a lot: we spent hours creating, painting, and publishing on the wall or office door; but I’ve never been able to keep track of it. But here’s a good idea to manage your time. As a project activity, everything worked out for me, but it was very difficult for me to do it. I have to complete the random quest assigned to me at any time. But I would like to add that it can be a good tool to start activities that you don’t have time for. This saves you time and energy, and then you cannot be stopped. The images of clumsy human nature are always curious. First of all, a man likes to do something that he likes, while others do it. It’s hard to focus on one task. He also ran into this problem; It was very difficult for me to constantly sit in the class for 5–6 hours. I always find lectures boring and tedious. When you are in public, it becomes more difficult to focus on what you are doing. It is very difficult for me to complete the task on time. someone is facing this problem. But the Pomodoro concept is pretty cool. It is a technique that allows you to focus on tasks. It’s easy, but the main thing: turn off all annoying elements like cell phones and TVs.2 set a timer for 25 minutes 3 divide your work into parts 4 try to do only one part every 25 minutes 5 reward yourself for doing well My mom used this task to teach me when I was young. She passed out chocolates and entertained me when I finished my homework. However, I still use this technique, but now I can do my job with full attention even for 12 hours in a row, with very little rest. regular technique to avoid procrastination· I force myself to complete tasks · Work more productively. So I would recommend doing this to fix the problem. It’s worth it.



Amir Shahzad

I'm content writer. I'm writing blog about health, festivals, fashion, sports, travelling, entertainment, study, business, historical places and SEO content.